Thursday, June 26, 2008


With apologies to the baseball lyric “we’re talking baseball, Willie, Mickey, and the Duke” the NY Mets are an embarrassment, or should we say an “amazin” embarrassment at this time. While Willie Randolph was their manager the Mets had some down times, but they had some down health as well, as their roster assembled by General Manager Omar Manaya was vintage to put it politely. So was the level of dishonesty with which Mr. Manaya discussed Mr. Randolph’s firing. Willie Randolph didn’t make Moses Alou old an brittle, Pedro Martinez a five inning pitcher or Jose Reyes not hustle on the field. The result was that Manaya chose bench coach Jerry Manuel to solve the Mets’ myriad of problems. We won’t know the results of this decision baseball-wise for a while, but character-wise its Omar Manaya who should be benched.

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