Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Hypotheitically if Mr Bush Felt Oil's Well

Say, hypothetically of course, the Bush family had interests in oil. The theory follows that some of this might be in a blind trust (an important phrase to keep in mind), but again stay with us because the Bushes might just know that skyrocketing oil prices will line their eventual pockets. Imagine further that after the first kiss hello, Mr. Bush had last month gone with outstretched palms to the Saudis and entreated them to increase production and thus reduce the market price of oil and, was refused. All this happened mind you just months after we gave them (the Saudis) a sweet heart deal on many billions of dollars worth of arms. Should we have kept them out of arm’s way?

That said with John McCain giving every indication his approach to oil and the Saudis won’t differ from Bush’s, go back to the words “blind trust”, because that’s what it would take for us to believe our fuel prices will become saner if this guy is elected. So don’t complain about $5.00/gallon (coming real soon), $6.00/gallon (our guess before years end) and $7.00/Gallon (just after President Mr. McCain “inauguration”). That’s right, don’t complain about these absurd prices if you support McCain and thus you voted for them.

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