Friday, June 27, 2008


On this position Barack Obama has indeed reversed himself. Is campaign financing broken, perhaps, is Mr. Obama’s word on this matter, yes. John McCain’s co-chair Lindsay Graham was quick to point out on this issue his man John McCain has kept his word. Not on offshore drilling but on campaign financing not on the Bush all rights to the rich tax reductions, but on campaign financing he’s held true. Not on his stance on torture where Mr. McCain has changed his mind or on accepting the endorsements of religious leaders who were labeled agents of intolerance (by Mr. McCain in fact) has Mr. McCain been consistent, but again he has on campaign financing. One thing we know about Mr. McCain, he always keeps his word until he changes it.
Let’s give you this short answer question Fauxvians; tell us any position that Mr. McCain held in his 2000 presidential campaign on which he has not been his own agent of change.
P.S. Regarding off shore oil drilling, the oil companies currently have over 40 million acres of undrilled offshore areas which translates into the puzzling (to us) scenario where 79% of their leased properties are not being used. Oh, and we’ve got this oil’s well update; since the GOP took over congress 12 years ago we’ve gone from being 46% dependant on foreign oil to 61%. And these are the guys who want one more term to lead us to energy independence.
P.P.S. There is a saying among so many many DC insiders (of whom John McCain has been one for over 3 decades) on what’s gone on in that city since the 2000 elections. And its called IOKIYR. Translation to fact; It’s Okay If You’re Republican.

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