Sunday, June 29, 2008


Dear FNN,
I completely (well almost) support your assessment that Barack Obama has gone back on his word, when decided not to take public financing, although I am annoyed by the way you folks keep calling me John McSame. He’s let his supporters down and let the American people down. A man running for the nation’s highest office must be consistent to his stated positions no matter what events and/or threats may happen along the way. I have tried to practice this in my own campaign style and philosophy as I believe the record will show. Any fair and balanced assessment of my positions on the Iraq war, the Bush tax cuts, employing lobbyists in my campaign and political circle, and immigration have been consistent and unchanged no matter what the circumstances. Further, my positions on accepting the support of the so called “agents of intolerance” (I actually called him that) like Jerry Falwell, off shore (that’s our shores) drilling and supporting tuition payment for the troops (I’m just against the new GI bill because it gives them enough money to actually pay all the tuition) are to repeat, totally consistent. So let’s review; on the war in Iraq, the Bush tax cuts, lobbyists, immigration, endorsements from bigots, off shore oil drilling, and supporting the troops on tuition my positions are and have been totally unchanged…in the year 2008, or at least most of it.
Senator John McSame, darn now you’ve got me saying it.

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