Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Listening to President Obamas rhetoric we note that he actually lives his rhetoric. He IS a great father, he IS a great husband, he DOES believe in education, he DOES believe in personal responsibility. The way he spoke to audiences and minority parents and said “good hospitals and a good armed forces is my responsibility, but taking care of your kids…that’s all yours, I have my own to care for”. That’s a values president. Lets look at who Mr. Bush was beholden to; the oil interests, Haliburton, donors who could run hedge funds and not pay their fair share of taxes. Mr. Bush was a valuables president, his focus wasn’t on values it was on valuables.

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Sandy said...

Right you are! Well said

Unknown said...

i need an applauding smile to put here.

Suburban Survivalist Blogger said...

Interesting point of view, and I can't argue with what you said about President Bush, but I have a question. If President Obama believes in personal responsibility, then why does he push for things are are anti-personal responsibility: Nationalized health care, stronger labor unions, welfare, etc? I'm just curious.

Anonymous said...

I won't argue whether or not Obama is a loving father, I don't know him, but I know his policies are going down the same road that his much hated predecessor started on. We still have troops in Iraq, we still have wire taps, we still have secret courts, we have escalated involvement in Afghanistan government has grown in every substantive way under Obama and yet he is a caring father. Good for him, now he needs to direct some of that same fatherly concern towards the constitution he swore to defend and quit using it as toilet paper.

Anonymous said...

HaHaHaHaHaHa! I'm having a hard time typing because I have to keep wiping the tears rolling down my face. Norman, you are one funny guy. Values vs Valuables. What a great article.

It gives me a warm fuzzy to hear people sing Barry's praises. I can hardly wait for the day, and it could be anytime now, when I won't have to pay for medical care, college, fuel, rent, abortions, the list goes on and on.

I'm expecting Barry to continue being perfect, but I'll watch for the first time he slips up. I'm guessing that being a deity can really take a toll on a guy.


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