Tuesday, July 24, 2007


    On this week’s “Meet the Press”, David Brooks talked
uncritically on our president’s serenity that his cause in Iraq is, and
always has been just.  We have to choose between loosing, Brooks
asserts, 125 Americans a month over the next 5 years while “stabilizing
Iraq” OR ten thousand (10,000) Iraqi deaths a month.  Bob Woodward
asked him where that number came from; Brooks’ answer was lengthy and
qualified as his forte but then he quietly (and quickly) allowed that
he just “TOOK THAT 10,000 OUT OF THE AIR”.  The caps are ours, his
was a confessional whisper.  These seconds of candor are a poor
second to an honest approach, Mr. Brooks.  Really you should be a
beat writer because you never miss a beat, or a trick.

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