Thursday, July 5, 2007


    If Hiz911honor were a lost sheep, this past week
would indeed have been a three-bleat.  First the chairman of Mr.
Giuliani’s South Carolina primary operation, Thomas Revenal, had an
operation of his own and was arrested for cocaine trafficking. 
Next there is the specter of another mayor of New York, a man people
actually like, who has chosen to leave the Republican Party but . . .
not center stage as a possible independent presidential
candidate.  And it has been revealed that Mr. the Whole 911 yards
was kicked off the Iraq study because of his attendance record, which
was a below ground zero as in the exact number of meetings he attended,
that’s right, zero.

    Hiz911’s explanation was that the group’s
discussions might have had political overtones; so let’s get this
straight, he put his political image over helping a committee entrusted
with the mission to develop and recommend defenses against a future
terrorist attack.

    Rudy’s explanation reminds us of what Stephen
Colbert said in his appearance on the Bill O’Reilly Show:  to the
effect that Mr. O’Reilly (Mr. Colbert calls him Papa Bear) gets criticized for the
content of what he says, but “never credit for how loudly you say
it.”  Kind of like Rudy’s bullhorn post-9/11 being balanced by the
bull that he did a single pro-active thing before it:  WE think
his supporters are in for a Rudy awakening.

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