Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Senator after Senator, loyal Bush supporters on the Iraq invasion are
dividing from their uniter, on mindlessly, heedlessly staying the
course.  Senators Richard G. Lugar of Indiana and Peter V.
Domenici of New Mexico, (whose personal pull back is especially painful
to the administration) are among them, and a veto proof majority (60)
may be building in the Senate to set phase out dates for troop cuts.
But what is causing this to happen now, over four (4) years after
“mission accomplished”?  Perhaps it’s that a number of these
formerly pro-war Republicans are engaging in their own phased
withdrawal, not because they’re scared of terrorists, if they ever
were, but because they’re scared of their own electorate.  You
see, many Republicans, including the prominent Senator Domenici, are up
for re-election in 2008 and they’re cutting now because they’ll be
running then.

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