Thursday, July 19, 2007


    One of the first, and formative political anecdotes
I ever heard was about a farmer interviewed just prior to the 1936
national election.  This man, like so many other honest, hard
working Americans, had been virtually wiped out in The Great Depression
but under FDR’s revitalization, which included power projects to help
irrigate his land, he had come back from the brink to solvency. 
His dust had turned to green.  A reporter interviewing this man
was a bit non-pulsed when this member of the electorate announced he
would be voting AGAINST FDR in the coming presidential race.  This
man explained his thought process in “logic” relevant to much of the
right wing thought of today.  (I paraphrase):  “I voted
against FDR in 1932 and things got good, and I’m gonna do so
again”.  And on point, we believe, it was reported across the
nation, that the president’s own counter-terrorism advisors
acknowledged the grim reality that the Bush strategy for fighting and
weakening Osama bin Laden’s leadership of Al Qaeda has been a total
failure.  They’d get the farmer’s vote.

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