Friday, July 20, 2007


    On July 11th, Wolf Blitzer interviewed outgoing
Surgeon General, Richard Carmona.  Dr. Carmona had some stuff to
get off his chest including the pettiness of the Bush administration
which required him to mention President Bush some three times on every
page in every speech he gave.  But what he found to be really low
and what took real gumption was when he was invited to speak at the
Japanese Special Olympics and was DENIED PERMISSION.  When Dr.
Carmona pushed for a reason, he was asked wasn’t he aware that the
Special Olympics movement was founded by those “other” people, namely
the Kennedys and Democrats.  Compassionate conservatives, you
folks be the judge but don’t use this as a case in point of Mr. Bush
being a divider not uniter.  That’s because Stephen Colbert got it
right, OUR PRESIDENT IS A UNITER: 79% of our population can’t stomach
him and his bunch and you don’t get an American electorate any more
united then that.

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