Monday, July 23, 2007


    George W. Bush has had no more resilient if nuanced
supporter than columnist David Brooks.  One brief but revealing
exception occurred the night of the 2004 Democratic convention when Mr.
Brooks endorsed John Kerry after hearing him “report for duty” but
reversed his position in less than a day; concerned that . . . Mr.
Kerry might prove to be a flip flopper.  But that aside, to every
presidential misjudgment, Mr. Brooks in his column has extended a
presidential pardon.  So when discussing an unrelated subject to
the Iraq war, he mentioned the Greek philosophy that people “suffer to
wisdom”; we couldn’t help but think, great notion Mr. Brooks.  Why
not continue that thought in your next pro- President Bush column,
because based on learning by suffering under the Bush administration,
many Americans, especially the non-rich, non-health covered are much
wiser, and the Iraq people, by now, again courtesy of Mr. Bush, must
include many Solomons. 


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