Monday, March 10, 2008


After we were told, by William Clinton, that Hillary Clinton could be viable only if she won Ohio and Texas, durn, she went and did. But, for all her success in public perception, she only gained five (5) delegates.
What then if Mrs. Clinton wins in Pennsylvania, she will have won every big state, but still not have the lead in delegates? At the risk of being bi (or tri) pollers, we (as always) who may not be right but we’re always sure, have an election strategy to suggest. And that is that state by state polls be done by the DNC to determine the electoral versus the popular comparison of each candidate against Senator McCain, and resolve that, that way before the convention.
Oh, bye the bye, each Democratic candidate has already received more votes in the primaries than any Democratic candidate in history. And history is what we’re watching, but now or at least soon, the DNC and John Dean have to do some serious participating.

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