Thursday, March 20, 2008


Should Barack Obama, as the Democratic leader in delegates and every bit as important, the leader in the popular vote, even consider a spot as Hillary’s Vice President? That depends on a number of things (states); four to be exact as we at the Faux see it and remember we may not always be right but we’re always sure. The four then are Pennsylvania (primary in late April), Florida and Michigan, where do overs could provide a make over for the popular vote tally. Oh, we did say four and the fourth is Ohio; we know the primaries done there but if Senator Clinton, in the general election, can take Ohio (many feel she can and Senator Obama can’t) that single state in a blue-red world could be the difference maker.
Mr. Obama’s many victories in traditional red states have to be considered and respected but does anyone think the Democrats can win in the general election in Idaho or Mississippi or South Carolina. Would Mr. Obama run a close second, yes, but that is not how the Electoral College works. So we call again for an electoral polling by the super duper delegates, responsibility they can’t delegate, to find out not so much who’s winning the Democratic nomination, but who would be the big winner in November.
As Harry Truman said, (and either Mr. Obama or Mrs. Clinton should say to America) “If I lose, you lose”. That’s because, being more that a bit Bearly Stern, we have to tell you folks as to the economy, our health care, and Iraq, you should heed things.

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