Monday, March 17, 2008


In the 1960’s the National Football League’s Green Bay Packers were coached and led by the legendary Vince Lombardi. In those days, a typical player’s salary was $50,000 to maybe $70,000 dollars a year, different times, but men were boys and were breaking curfew – as in these times, to be with ladies at odd times. With his Packer team beginning their path towards greatness and the play-offs looming, Coach Lombardi held a meeting and issued a threat his men knew he would keep. He told them that there would be, from that time on, a five thousand dollar fine for any violation of the team curfew, even for one such offense. Those in attendance recalled the shock as their coach made his exit, but it was mixed with laughter moments later when Lombardi stepped back in the room and asked his players for a favor. They said, “Sure Coach, what is it?” to which he replied, “Gentlemen, if you meet a woman worth five thousand dollars a night, will you bring me along so I can at least see her.”
Former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer probably never met Vince Lombardi, but he could have used some good coaching. And even allowing for inflation, what Mr. Spitzer paid for his dalliances doesn’t compare with what it cost him.

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