Friday, March 21, 2008


On a recent Colbert Report, Steve Colbert spoofed (and echoed) our previous sentiments that John McCain gets credit for having previously condemned Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson, while the Straight Talk Express has taken a self serving route as the Senator embraced them in this election cycle. Mr. Colbert also pointed out that Obama should be “blamed” for not having commented on Jeremiah Wright years ago, even though he’s condemning his excesses now. That’s what we said.
We will return the favor by quoting a statement shown on that same program, of March 19th by our warrior President. It went as follows as President Bush on March 13, 2008 sent a message of “support” to our troops in Afghanistan, “I must say I’m a little envious. If I were slightly younger and not employed here, I think it would be a fantastic experience to be on the front lines (he really said this) of helping this young democracy succeed. It must be exciting for you…. in some ways romantic, in some ways you know, confronting danger.” Mr. Colbert went on to “warn” the troops not to so “excite” our President, recalling how he reacted to last time he was “excited” by a war (Vietnam) when “he ran off to join the Alabama National Guard and nobody could find him”. Don’t worry he wouldn’t join now, they actually call up most National Guard units, but were giving Mr. Bush our first “Faux Fortitude Award” and we’ll also give him this, he’s still just as brave.

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