Thursday, March 13, 2008


Item: Because both Michigan and Florida moved up their primaries over when they were previously scheduled, their validity was challenged by both the DNC and the RNC (as opposed to New Hampshire, which did the same with no penalty), so what then to do with delegations from those states at the actual Democratic Convention?
Howard Dean, leader of the DNC, is now being asked (and expected) to lead and, resolve the issue of Michigan or Florida as to delegating delegates from the Faux primaries in Florida and Michigan, which don’t “count”, but repeating the people in those states who do count. Have other contests(?), that does make some sense but who will pay for said primaries, since both parties agree having the tax payers fund it won’t be square. So by June 10th something vote-worthy has to be resolved or re-resolved because some feel if the primaries end in a dead heat, the Democrats could also be dead – as to being a unified opposition to the Republicans in November.But to reiterate you can’t ignore delegations from either of those two very major states.
Senator Carl Levin (D-Michigan) says that since state law in Michigan does not allow a second primary, a mail-in caucus might be doable, but if Hillary wins that (as she did the first disallowed primary) will we get “mail-order bride” jokes?
The Florida elections might (this time anyway) be less Faux because all candidates were on the Florida Democratic ballot, as opposed to Michigan where Mr. Obama’s people took his name off. The Republicans are smiling, the people in Michigan and Florida are wondering, and the clock is running. And that’s what the Democratic candidates should keep in mind regarding new primaries, run them so they don’t run you.

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