Sunday, March 9, 2008


Oh why faux why do so many Americans vote the economic interests of their financial betters? Do they think they (the bosses) will reciprocate? And on the subject(s) of taxes (and thinking as well) both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton favor tax cuts, decent ones in fact, for only those making $250,000 a year or less , while John McCain (now you know why we call him McSame) wants to make the “temporary” Bush tax cuts which provide “relief” for those making over $250,000.00 permanent. These bye the bye, were the same tax cuts Senator McCain twice voted against as unfair; guess he checked with his donor’s base, and … his wife’s income tax return as well. So while we understand why he benefits himself, why are so many Americans, (to reiterate) reluctant to do the same for themselves, and…their families.
Submitted by Norman, 3 days late

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