Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Geraldine Ferraro may not be an idiot, but she certainly acted like one with her comments that Barack Obama is “lucky” to be Black in America. Ms. Ferraro, we at the Faux have a number of lifelong friends who have dissenting life experiences. But hey, he could have hit the lottery and been Jewish in Saudi Arabia. In any event, Ms. Ferraro’s remarks were condemned by Senator Clinton and she has resigned from the Clinton campaign, but did not personally apologize.
The Reverend Jeremiah Wright, Barack Obama’s pastor does not, however, appear to have acted like an idiot because it seems to be not an act. Witness his latest imbecillian statements about America this past week, and his murkiness is pretty clear. Apparently his rantings have gone on for years and while, perhaps Senator Obama should have condemned such words earlier, he has certainly done so now and Mr. Wright has become Mr. Wrong for Obama’s campaign. And the Reverend Wright too, will not apologize; there’s a pattern here.
The Reverend (yet more Reverends) Jerry Falwell, was not an idiot either, he was a bigot and so went to his grave. His remarks about Jews and others who were not in lock step with his approach to the Lord are too numerous to list. We find John McCain’s embrace of Mr. Falwell during his current presidential run all the more fascinating since during the 2000 campaign, he had mentioned by name Jerry Falwell (along with Louis Farrakhan) as “agents of intolerance”. However, the condemnation from Jews who remember are defective and not “worthy of Heaven” and others seemed so, so brief when Mr. McCain honored Falwell by speaking at the commencement exercises at his Liberty University. And the chronology is fascinating too: Mr. Obama after being unresponsive in the past to Reverend Wright’s rantings, certainly stood up in the present where as Mr. McCain has done just the opposite – he, to reiterate, condemned Mr. Falwell’s bigotry in the past while tolerating it in the present.
Obviously, Mrs. Clinton, Mr. Obama, or Mr. McCain cannot control the idiots (or their idiocies who may speak on their "behalf"), other than by condemnation and dismissal. What we can’t figure is how Democrats seem so much more vulnerable to criticism when “bigotry, real or codified” is bantered in their name, than are Republicans, it certainly hurts Democratic candidates more with their base then it does Republicans with theirs. Specifically, read the letters of right wing Jews and watch their voting patterns; some, and we are serious, are still obsessing about FDR. It’s almost like when it comes to gaining at the ballot box from prejudice and all that goes with it, there seems to be an affirmative . . . inaction in judging Republicans by people who should know far better.

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