Sunday, May 11, 2008


Birthdays are celebrated in different ways, benchmark ones like a 50th or 70th for instance might merit a big blowout or at least a party, but this week one such anniversary, Israel’s 60th in fact seemed to spur a critique. That’s right, a critique as the New York Times decided to focus on those Arabs who while being Israeli citizens with the right to vote, get health care, thrive in capitalistic enterprises et al., consider themselves “outsiders” in a Jewish state. In some respects the Palestinians and other Arabs have real issues and their lives are certainly influenced by Israel’s policies, but as we at the Faux frequently expound, there are complete sentences and complete truths and the two are not always the same.
The Times gets to some of the whole truths but interestingly adds a new wrinkle to our “complete sentence saying” by showing us there is no truth like timely truth. A case in point is the way in the very latter stages of the article some Israeli points of view are explained. Again, late in the narrative about Arab villages destroyed in 1947-48 it is correctly explained that local Arab’s and their militias initiated attacks against the first Jewish settlements and then, the Jewish settlers came back at them, hard. Mommy, they hit me back …happens.
Wars have been fought and literary careers have been launched to explain and reframe the conflicts between the Israelis, the Palestinians, and others Arabs, so we certainly won’t attempt a consummate discussion here. That said however, NYT, with all due respect and we do respect you, we’d like to suggest a future feature. One might discuss a Palestinian or other Arab run democracy which gives full voting and vesting rights to those Jews who live in their society. Another might center on, complete with all due disrespect, examples of Jewish suicide bombers, you know where Jewish parents hate the Arab children more than they love their own. We realize such articles might not be viable due to lack of available content. As far as the news that’s fit, we suggest you print on, and promise that on your next big anniversary to wish you an unfettered happy birthday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Norman,

I think that's an absolutely brilliant post. Let's have more.

Thank you,
A Constant Reader

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E) We shoot from the flip
F) We’re not always accurate but we’re always certain
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