Sunday, May 18, 2008


It was on the morning of Yom Kippur in Israel, in 1973 and the stakes couldn’t have been higher. Prime Minister Golda Meir met with the Minister of Defense Moshe Dayan and Israeli General David Elazar, and there wasn’t, in the opinion of Golda Meir and General Elazar, a bit of a doubt that Syria and friends planned to launch an attack, sooner rather than later, deeper rather than shallower and far, far deadlier than any previous such excursion. The most logical option to many in the know including Ms. Meir and General Elazar was a pre-emptive strike sure to save many, many Israeli lives, particularly those of the young soldiers who would take the brunt that comes with being on the defensive. There were considerations and these came in the form of the support and supply Israel needed to logistically wage the battle. With their previous European trading powers cowered by threats of an Arab oil blackmail Israel’s
survival was to a great extent, dependent on United States support. The U.S. led by Richard M. Nixon and his court capo Henry Kissinger, in no uncertain terms threatened Israel if they dared pre-empt with Mr. Kissinger warning that if Israel literally didn’t wait for the inevitable and damaging first strikes before answering back, that “we won’t send you so much as a nail”. In what had to be an agonizing, almost faustian bargain, Ms. Meir prevailed and Israel did nothing until after the lethal attacks which cost over 2,500 lives of her heroic young men and women in battle. No military historian disputed the disadvantage of being the one attacked but one current pundit who is most definitely not of a military background (however militarily he postures) William Kristol, recently called Richard M. Nixon a “defender of Israel”.

Jon Stewart frequently refers to this neo-con pundit this way “Oh, Bill Kristol, are you ever right?” while we at the Faux refer to him differently, namely as a court capo for this administration. Incidentally, our current president who took until his eighth year in office to even visit Israel in support (Bill Clinton did it by his second) is also listed as another of Israel’s “defenders”. Speaking of Mr. Kristol, I assured a friend, before it was factually confirmed that Bill Kristol despite being of age and practical opinion did not serve in the Vietnam era army. The friend when his researching confirmed my judgment said that a leopard is not changing his spots: no in the case of Mr. Kristol it’s a jackal not changing his approach.

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