Thursday, May 8, 2008


What follows is a lethal but classic role reversal; For those of you dear readers who’ve never seen “Song of the South”, a Disney cartoon set in the ante-bellum South, it is for all its cultural distortions, a work worth seeing. At the center of it all is Uncle Remus, a wise and basically happy slave as perhaps he's anticipating getting his 40 acres and a mule but he has wisdom. Additional sages in this zippedee-do-dah of an animation are the animals (also happy and ostensibly liberated) the most savvy of whom is one Br’er Rabbit. This humble bunny, when actually captured, pulls off a mental coup worthy of any of the many of the right wing columnists who are “concerned” for the country that the Democratic nominees are doing irreparable harm to each other as a national candidate. That may well prove valid, but it isn’t what these people, particularly David Brooks fear for, it’s what they hope for. Now back to Br’er Rabbit whose persona has been co-opted by Brooks using his wiles to fool a bear (a less manipulative earlier version of O’Reilly?) and a rather mean spirited fox (he’s not yet in the news business). The Rabbit “begs” NOT to be thrown in the briar patch, where he can easily and speedily elude them. They, of course, do so and the plot continues.
So every time I see conservative pundits or news stations “troubled” by the unfair treatment of Hillary or giving “fair and balanced” exposure to Jeremiah Wright (yea, we haven't seen him enough), I keep thinking of that briar patch. Mr. Brooks’ current missive is a case in point as he struggles to figure out who would most likely lose to Mr. McCain so he can endorse him or her to that end. He’ll switch some more folks, because he hasn’t resolved in his own mind who is the most defeatable candidate whom he thus wants to recommend and because that’s in his pundit genes. Who can forget that he endorsed John Kerry for president, the first night of the Democratic Convention in 2004 and changed less than 24 hours later because, get this, he decided Mr. Kerry had a tendency to flip flop. So stay tuned to this folks, but beware of running along to this modern day op-ed “Song of the Mouth”. You see friends, folks like Mr. Brooks and brethren are getting shrewder and shrewder as they emulate Bre'er Rabbit duping the bear and fox who more truly represent them. But they don’t do swift boating of candidates (that’s for their thugs), instead they do briar patching, you’ll know by who they “endorse”.

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