Monday, May 19, 2008


How would we make out as a nation in the next 8 years if we had a president who predictably wore a flag pin on his lapel but stood by as veterans benefits fell? What if we had one who talked about religion but avoided the real message of faiths (such as Christianity, Judaism etc.) which prioritize helping the neediest among us? How would America be doing if we had a president who regularly took care of himself with exercise and access to the country’s best health care but didn’t seem at all fazed by the fact that over 50 million Americans lack that level of support or often any health care at all? What if our president claimed to feel “compassion” for the economic hardship Americans faced while paying record gas prices but who would never consider passing a windfall profits tax on big oil, let alone cutting back on the subsidies that the oil industry now receives?
Answer; we’d get through 8 years of this okay. Haven't we already?

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A) We distort, you abide
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E) We shoot from the flip
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