Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Gertrude Noone is thought of as an authority on a number of issues because she’s seen a lot and absorbed a lot, and been around a lot. She was asked recently on her thoughts on Senators McCain, Clinton and Obama as candidates. Her opinions went something like this; on Barack Obama “he’s smart”, but believes he “makes too many promises”. Regarding Senator Clinton, Ms. Noone is impressed by Hillary’s energy and conditioning and talks in general about how she’s concerned that for all politicians “it’s all about money”. As for Senator McCain, “so far” she favors him feeling there’s something “presidential” about him but feels “he’s a little old”. And when Gertrude Noone calls someone “a little old”, we have to take note, as she was recently featured in a New Haven Register article honoring her on her 109th birthday . . . like we said, she knows old.

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