Friday, May 2, 2008


Barack Obama for some weeks now, especially in Pennsylvania has been, because he’s had to be, a campaign warrior, but he is anything but a happy warrior. His last victory of any substance was Wisconsin way back on February 22nd, with a way more crucial than originally supposed Indiana primary looming. There are nine more contests, with eight of them being popular vote primaries and while trying to figure who we want (we haven’t yet) it’s just as tough to figure who can recover best from this bruising, and yes, wounding contest. Our offerings: to Barack, accept you may have a stop loss situation before your tour of duty is complete; the battle could go for a while yet. And to Hillary we say, of course, you can rightly continue your possible sojourn to the nomination, but please know, it’s your duty to know when your possible tour has finished and be prepared to leave battles on the battleground.
There is this to remember: the increased Democratic registration has been unprecedented; forcing even the knee reflex right writer George Will to still expect a Democratic victory. This is a contested race, but we feel it’s more about the younger voter issue than the race issue. They may have to decide whether they are true to their ideals or one specific candidate, and ideals are meaningless unless at the end of the game, you show up and play, which means vote.

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