Tuesday, June 10, 2008

John McCain on Women, He's Courting You but For Now, It's Your Choice

John McCain is (naturally) reaching out to which he presumes (desperately hopes) will turn to him, the disaffected Clinton voters. Maybe they will be but of all that should be of interest to women regarding the GOP nominee it should be their self-interest and two words come to mind on this subject, Roe and Lilly. Roe, of course, refers to Roe vs. Wade, and with Mr. McCain as president, the next two or maybe three Supreme Court justices will surely give those that wish it, the overwhelming numbers to overwhelm Rose vs. Wade. The right of choice will be done for American women if they abrogate their choice this fall. Senator McCain has long said his would be judges would mirror current Supremes Roberts and Dileto, and if that happens, women will know where to look for blame regarding the illegal, and more importantly unsafe abortions sure to follow. The women who voted for McCain for president after looking on in horror will just have to look in the mirror.
Lilly is Lilly Ledbetter, a retired manager for Goodyear Tire and Rubber in Alabama, who found out, too late, the courts have held, that she was paid substantially less than male co-workers doing the same or even lesser jobs. This affected obviously her income and her retirement 401(k) adversely and most importantly, unfairly. The court, headed by Mr. Roberts (remember he’s Mr. McCain’s ideal) ruled that while the wage discrimination might have existed, she didn’t know about it soon enough, so she didn’t complain soon enough. Duh, since the inequities existed from when she was first hired why would Goodyear tell her? The House has passed a bill to adjust this injustice and the Senate is going to hopefully address it, but McCain is having a Bush McSame moment and he’s going to vote against it, and only someone ideologically obsessed could think of the reason he gives. And that is that Mr. McCain is against the passage of laws giving women the right to sue for such wage discrimination when it’s discovered later on because if they had the right to sue that would result in lawsuits. Oh, OK, and again ladies, it’s your choice.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fighting for the right to choose...John McCain!

Women for John McCain - carrying John McCain towards victory in our Prada handbags!


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