Wednesday, May 7, 2008


From the recent news, here’s some stuff by the numbers. 73% of Americans disapprove of our President and only 21 % approve of his performance, the lowest rating since such polls have been done. But while he (Mr. Bush) is not done, many people’s savings are as their principle assets, their homes, have dropped 13% in value, on average. Oil’s well however for oil; profits were up 25% this past year at Shell and 63% at BP but profits are really spilling over(sorry, couldn’t help it) at Exxon Mobile which made FORTY BILLION dollars last year, not counting their subsides from Bush and company. So the fact that the number of families planning a summer vacation is at a 30 year low, should not surprise. Interestingly, the Clinton and McCain summer gas tax reduction also features a “30” of its own, namely that we’ll each save thirty whole cents a day. Talk about trying to buy voters on the cheap.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The profits oil companies have been making in recent years are exorbitantly high. As you rightfully point out, Exxon Mobile earned record profits last year, yet they are still receiving subsidies from the federal government as a result of the Bush Administration’s energy policies. We talk about that a lot over here on Chris Murphy’s campaign. Not only are hardworking Americans being forced to surrender record money at the pump to fill up their tanks, but their tax dollars are also being used to subsidize Big Oil. I don’t think any example could better illustrate the need for a dramatic change in our nation’s energy policy.

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