Friday, January 30, 2009


Reading Bill Kristol in the NY Times on January 26th reminds us of a line said by John Stewart on The Daily Show "Oh Bill Kristol, are you ever right?" We would actually rephrase that to say "Oh Bill Kristol, are you ever even center?" Bill Kristol looks back to the times of Ronald Reagan and attempts to enumerate all the positive legislation that conservatives have proposed, and we are thinking Iraq, Katrina, the stock market, social security in the stock market, what planet was he watching?

Conservatives have never been good at governing, they have been good at electioneering. They are good at using methods of hate and fear which they have done by their own admission and will continue doing as long as it works. This leads us to one of our main quotes by Karl "Roosevelt" Rove "we have nothing to fear other than not having the use of fear itself".

P.S. In his article Bill Kristol does mention FDR, but he only mentions a speech he gave after Pearl Harbor, purposely missing his message about how Republicans use fear to grab government, not to run government.
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