Thursday, January 29, 2009


Kudos to the Roonies, owners of the Pittsburgh Steelers, for taking a stand so unlike their fellow owners in the NFL. Specifically they came out in support of a non-Republican candidate, obviously our now President Barack Obama. The NFL has been described by Faux News Network as the ultimate communist cabal among very rich right wing Republicans as they share their unbelievable lucrative TV contracts and charge such high license fees that the NY Giants are receiving most of the money for the new stadium on the backs of the fans who have been loyal for 5 or 6 decades.

For this reason we give kudos to the Roonies for taking this stand, and we predict the Pittsburgh Steelers will continue to take their "stand" and we are rooting for the Steelers and with all due respect to the Arizona team (which has a great story) they just may not be in the "cards".
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A) We distort, you abide
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