Sunday, January 4, 2009

A Holiday and Post Holiday Special: Carly Fiorina, Financial Advice Given at Half Off

Oh Carly you’re so feign, you probably think this song is about you. Well, it is. Recently on “This Week…” “Meet the Press”, and where ever else she had a platform, former CEO of Hewlett Packard Carly Fiorina has been weighing in on how to cure our national economic woes. These times do not present personal economic straights for Ms. Florina mind you because her severance package from Hewlett Packard was forty two (42) million (million) dollars. Her subsequent endeavor was to help micro manage John McCain’s economic policy during his presidential campaign (that worked well), and said then and (with a straight face) continues to say now that “they” in Washington were too concerned about the “big companies” and not the “small businesses” whom she’s regularly referred to as the “little guy”. We at the Faux bet most small business of those “little guys” had shares in the stock market including companies such as Hewlett-Packard, again Ms. Floirina’s former employer. And that’s an irony. We’ll explain.

You see, Ms Florina left Hewlett-Packard long before the current market downtrend and, to reiterate, she left with a buyout of forty two million dollars. So then did her performance justify this? You be the judge, because from when she first assumed the CEO position until the time she “decided” to leave, the value of the company she had led, that is Hewlett Packards (in the “little guys” 401K’s et. al.) had fallen by fifty percent. You betcha, her company was worth half what it was worth when she took over, that’s why we at the Faux call her suggestions on finance strategy, advice for those interested in a half off deal, but that is also why the new administration needs them; so they will know exactly what not to do. But now don’t be snarly, Carly; you got yours.

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