Wednesday, January 28, 2009


By most accounting's, the Presidential inauguration had just under 2 million people in attendance, and by all accounting's (confirmed by the Washington DC police) a number that will never again be equaled...there were zero arrests. What we at the Faux wish, is that all fundamentalist society's (including but not limited to the Arab Mullah's and the American right wing "am" talk show bunch et el.) look and see the honest spontaneity of these people celebrating the American way of life and way of deciding government. This was spontaneous, unless they really believe or tell their respective hoards (or herds, take your choice) that these 2 million people gathered together 3 days before for rehearsal to "get it right". But "get it right" is what this crowd did, it was there for the right reason, and unlike when Saddam Hussein's statue was toppled and people were paid to cheer, in this case people paid for the privilege of cheering and are happy they did so. It was America at it's best and Americans at their best.

Again we hope the fundamentalist society's that we have mentioned have taken notice. And maybe despite themselves they will learn something... anything.
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