Monday, June 1, 2009


We will be listing in no particular order our 10 favorite films and we will write why. We will talk about the message, the best verbal moment, and the best non-verbal moment. The 10 films are;
To kill a mocking bird
Animal house
High noon
A Bronx tale
Charlie Wilson’s War
Schindler’s list
Harold and Maude
Shawshank redemption

Today’s review; To kill a mocking bird – the best verbal moment is Gregory Peck saying “thank you for my son”. The best non-verbal moment is Scout’s snarl at dinner when being told to eat her food. The message? If you have to ask you probably think Barack Obama barely won the last election and you are not sure he’s your President. More coming soon…

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1 comment:

dan said...

my favorite moment is when gregory peck is leaving the court room and the man in the balcony tells jim to stand up because his father is passing by.

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