Wednesday, May 26, 2010

We’d like to talk to Larry Pressler, he was a Republican Senator from South Dakota and he was in Vietnam from 1967 to 1968. He talks about the inherent unfairness of the draft (and it was unfair), and he talks about it every time one of the elite is mentioned in the media. CT AG Richard Blumenthal got five deferments and was in the Marine Reserves and Mr. Cheney got five deferments and was totally unapologetic, saying “I had more important things on my agenda”. Yes for every one of those folks, there was a “man instead” -a term we have used over the years in articles and on this website. Because there were draft quotas, and every town was required to send X amount of young men to that war in Asia and was going to fill their quota. Usually it was a poor person, often an African American, who went instead as Mr. Pressler, the former Republican Senator so rightly points out. For better or worse (and you can most certainly say more worse than better) you can say those were the politics and morays of the time. Oh, yes, John Ashcroft to our knowledge has the most Vietnam Era deferments; seven. Guess he knew his best security was staying in the homeland. So, let those who condemn Mr. Blumenthal, look at their own service or the service of relatives, spouses, friends, and let them look at their own voting record. Namely, if they voted for Mr. Cheney, and supported the appointment of Mr. Ashcroft, or personally had them or those who sent to Vietnam their man instead, then don’t say a word about Richard Blumenthal, because you are being as hypocritical now as you were then.

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