Friday, April 29, 2011

Billy Graham’s son (jr.) was on “This Week” and by golly, even though he wont say it, he is obviously a Sarah Palin fan as well as a birther. He claimed Barack Obama could put an end to this by just showing the birth certificate. What is it with these people that keep claiming that? Its been shown again and again! Its an issue they will never allow to be put to rest, because they created it and cant lose it now. Its as if they would claim he is purple and require him to prove otherwise. Its sad to see this, because Billy Graham Sr. has come a long way since his anti semitic remarks in the office of Richard Nixon, his son however has fallen far from the current tree and gone back to the earlier tree. It was not a great moment for religious introspection in America to hear the young Mr. Graham talk, and we dont mean to be wise-crackers! 

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