Monday, November 3, 2014

Bill Maher's pre-– midterm monologue

Regarding the midterms: message to the Democrats is stop distancing yourself from the president, just ask "President Al Gore". The one I feel bad for is Obama. 63 straight months of economic expansion, a depression averted, a deficit reduced by two thirds (this is true), a healthcare law that's working and lowering costs, two women on the Supreme Court, Bin Laden is dead, the stock market at record highs, and unemployment rate the drop from 10.2 to 5.9. If you are a FOX News viewer trying to do the math, that's less. Gas prices are down. Is that really that hard a record to get behind? My comments: Fucking shame if fucking middle-of-the-road, progressive people and liberal people don't vote...shame on them and they get what they deserve.

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