Thursday, July 30, 2015

Politics are complex

Every now and then, like just about always, world events and politics gets complex. Let's start with "Saint" Ronald Reagan, maybe the only person or entity this current group of Republicans "loves" more than Israel. You know, that's the same Ronald Reagan who was the only president in our history (and we hope the only present ever) to actually honor the German SS by visiting their main cemetery in Bitburg. Quick historical recap, they were not soldiers in any honorable sense; their total goal was to degrade murder and torture Jews. And of course it was  under the administration of Mr. Ronald Reagan that Jonathan Pollard was sentenced to life imprisonment without parole. 

And of course there's Barack Obama, who according to Mike Huckabee would "march all of Israel to the ovens". Interesting, since the Iron Dome which obviously saved thousands of Israeli lives received over $1 billion above and beyond the normal aid to Israel, from Mr. Obama as to the opposed to the amount George W. Bush gave Israel, which was ZERO. AND, Mr. Obama is now ramrodding the pardon and release of John Pollard. Only the simple think things are simple.

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