Sunday, April 4, 2010

Consider these felonies on the current news scene; a militant Christian organization called “Huratee” plans to create unrest by killing one police officer and killing many more at his funeral. Consider the case of Scott Broder convicted of the pre meditated murder of an abortion doctor who was sentenced this past week. His reasoning given in a rambling statement was that he got his inspiration from the scriptures. Just as current are the awful suicide bombings in Chechnya where dozens of people were murdered by 2 female Moslem suicide bombers who replicated that religion’s sad tradition of viewing murder as a solution. As we contemplate these religious fundamentalists we can’t help but think what a fundamentally more peaceful world this would be without such mindsets. Perhaps their religious leaders should focus more on the topic of respect for life vs. ritual and that the taking of life is the ultimate act of blasphemy.

1 comment:

A True Believer said...

A nut is a nut... religion didn't have anything to do with it! The vast majority of Judeo-Christian Believers are: Peaceful, Loving, and Kind. However, in every particular grouping of individuals there are all types....

Nor, are paganized Christianity under Catholicism and Protestantism examples to the contrary. Both: Catholicism and Protestantism [her daughters] are blantantly pagan in origin. That's why they worship on Sunday rather than The Sabbath - among other things.

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