Friday, October 15, 2010

With all the attention given lately to the tea party, a far more important and perhaps more ominous trend is taking place in current politics, a trend I would call the “spree party”. And that of course is when incredibly rich self funders have bought their way into electoral prominence. But according to these folks, Meg Whitman, Carl Fiorina, Carl Paladino, Linda McMahon etc. it’s never about their own personal aggrandizement, it’s all about job creation. And you know what? As candidates they are right. Because consider the hundreds of millions of dollars that they collectively flow into the media, print and bulk mailing industries to help with what they hope will be their own personal political tsunamis.
Alas, should they be elected, the political theory that have given shows they would not create jobs, but in fact endanger current unemployment benefits and even the level of the minimum wage. But were they to be defeated they will no doubt run again and again (see Ned Lamont), and every 2 years be a boost for the economy as spree party candidates.

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