Friday, February 18, 2011

There is a book named The Fiery Trial, the subject is Abraham Lincoln and American slavery, the author is Eric Foner and said author was recently on the Colbert Report and talked about what Lincoln learned during his presidency and listening to Mr. Foner was quite a learning experience as well. Playing as the conservative foil, Stephen Colbert said the civil war was about tariffs, states rights and basically economic issues. When in fact Mr. Foner pointed out that the South Carolina declarations concession was that they felt it was “no longer safe for slavery since Lincoln had been elected president".  We learned that Mr. Lincoln had not gone into the presidency determined to abolish slavery, but the south conceding gave him the chance. Another, be careful what you wish for moment; the obviously, how succeeding did not succeed. Although, in some ways, at least parts of it act as if it had. And recently Governor Rick Perry of Texas talked again about succeeding, but that said how many black men with folks out there in Fauxvia nation actually served in the Civil War? I thought it was a few thousand, it was actually 200,000. But again, as Stephen Colbert has said in the past; facts have such a liberal bias.

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