Tuesday, June 7, 2011


It seems the conservative crowd, with all their supposed love of patriotism and the revolution, doesn’t particularly revere, well, Paul Revere. Because yesterday they attempted to rewrite the history of his ride on Wikipedia for the purposes of making it match Sarah Palin’s version (hey, if you don’t know history, redo history). Sarah Palin should know history; she studied it at five or six different colleges. So she has quite the history, and we are confident we will be seeing more of her history, as she says it and they attempt to re-write it. And folks, you know what’s really interesting? Sarah Palin wasn’t asked about Paul Revere, she was asked by the reporter “what did you see and what did take away from today”. Meaning, she actually volunteered inaccuracies, as she so often does. So will they succeed in redoing the history on Sarah Palin’s history? I am sure Wikipedia will have an update.

1 comment:

Virgil said...

What's up man!?! Love your blog, good stuff!!!!:)

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