Monday, October 29, 2007


    For the informational benefit of those who don’t know him, Ben Stein is an extremely educated man (Columbia, Yale Law) who went on to be a speech writer for Richard Nixon.  He then gained fame (and some fortune) on Comedy Central TV as a host and creator of shows, but now according to some conservatives has crossed the line, at least party lines as this long, long time Republican has gone frankly, Franken.  We refer, of course, to one Al Franken, noted actor, author, liberal activist and now candidate for the Democratic nomination in the Minnesota Senate seat in play in the 2008 election.  Mr. Stein’s reasons for contributing to Mr. Franken’s campaign include the current Republican’s failure to live up to their self proclaimed legacy as proponents of individual rights, and he gave the party’s desertion of Senator Larry Craig (R) for Idaho as a case in point.  On running against incumbent Norman Coleman, Al Franken who is a native Minnesotan, remarked that in a race of two Jews who’ve resided in NYC, at least one will have actually been born in Minnesota.  Guess that’s the kind of answer which wins Ben Stein’s money.     

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