Tuesday, October 16, 2007


at the Faux are honored to report that we really do have a report, having
interviewed Professor Alan Dershowitz, the irrefutable one.  Among his subjects of interest (well, they
all were) was Israel
and the constant and growing antipathy (of some) on the left towards the
Israeli’s policy towards the Palestinians and Her approach towards surviving in
general. It
is of note the professor maintained that so few people in the political center,
seem at the center of the discussions on Israel, and gave a rather definite
example of just how slanted this opposition can be.  His example, a memorable one, was found on a
picket sign (one of many he’s faced when speaking) which boldly proclaimed
“Gay’s For Palestine”.  Long story short,
Mr. Dershowitz wondered if those folks with the sign knew what the Palestinians
do to gays.  Well . . . it’s a rather
hard edged response and there’s no easy way to say it, and the punishment does
involve actually making a long story short. 
And . . . speaking of being unfairly cut off, public radio has had Mr.
Dershowitz on a number of times but  w i
l l    n o t   l e t   h i m   s p e a k    o n    I
s r a e l.  His guess and ours is that he
recognizes legitimate arguments on both sides, is not the extreme of their
dreams, and inevitably comes down not on the side of the State of Israel being
perfect, but on the side of they’re having a perfect right to continue being.  That said, we fauxvians wish that the powers
that be at NPR for all their other good works were just a little less tolerant
of the intolerant. 

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