Friday, March 28, 2008


Good news, Mr. President, the glass is 19% full. According to the Gallup Poll in the last week, 81% of Americans believe our country is going in the wrong direction, and no memory, recent or otherwise, shows pessimism of our people on any similar scale. As Senator Chuck Nagel (R) Nebraska noted this past week, the Democrats in this climate of change will have a groundbreaking choice for president; either an African-American man or a woman, whereas the Republicans (in an out with the new, in with the old moment) will have potentially the most senior American president in our history. This man, Mr. Nagel, is an American hero, from service in Vietnam to standing up to George Bush on his Iraqian missteps, and . . . he has not endorsed John McCain. He’s said from the beginning “the whole concept of judging our success in Iraq, is not a win or lose aspect, the future of Iraq will be judged and decided be the Iraqi people.” How novel an idea by a novel interesting man. And he believes we need “a clear plan” on withdrawal from Iraq noting, “we’re in a deep hole”. So how come Mr. Bush and Mr. Cheney keep on shoveling it?

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