Friday, April 17, 2009



People seem shocked that the Somali pirates (who in their own eyes are such a rag tag outfit) could be such a serious threat and so disruptive. Yet we fail to see that besides for the element of surprise they also are surprisingly well armed. When they say “tag” you’re it. Additionally, we fail to remember the size of the ocean and how hard patrolling it has to be. To be clear, the size of the body of water that is under constant attack by pirates is as large as the entire east coast of the US. So as we begin to learn about fighting these threats, lets not take it lightly and remember that the pirates are more tag than rag.

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1 comment:

Faith and Facts said...

It is likely that episodes of piracy will increase in the next few years. As the world economy continues in turmoil, nations and individuals will search for ways to profit in any way possible.

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