Friday, April 17, 2009



People of good will everywhere rejoice in the fact that the captain of the Mersk Alabama Richard Phillips was rescued by US forces from his pirate captors. Of the 4 pirates, 1 surrendered to get medical treatment and when the remaining 3 pointed an AK-47 at Captain Phillips, they were killed instantly by three snipers from the navy destroyer Bainbridge. While many will argue that the crew should have been armed in the first place (and that is a valid and legitimate argument), we see how proficient and professional these men are at what they do.

On the other hand, the French just stormed the yacht without setting up a plan and planning their mission, and we see how that turned out (it resulted in one of the hostages being killed). They waved their guns wildly and failed in their rescue attempt.

John Woodin is a famous basketball coach who is always mentioned around the NCAA championships (since he has the most NCAA victories of any coach in history). He was known to tell his players these famed words of advice “be quick, but don’t rush”. This was what the naval command at the authorization of President Obama did so efficiently; they were quick, but they didn’t rush…that’s why they are pros.

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Joseph M. Fasciana said...

Yes I must admit that I never thought that the USA would act so decisively.

It was also a wonderful outcome for a captain that offered his life for the life of his crew.

Excellent karma at work.



Harrison said...

Taking out three guys in a boat that is tied to a US ship is a little different than taking out hostiles in a yacht with some on deck and others below deck. Apples and oranges really.

Faith and Facts said...

This rescue was an awesome display of military proficiency. Our Special Forces troops and technology are the best in the world. I sincerely hope that we maintain that position under our new president.

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