Friday, August 21, 2009


The following criticisms of Obamas health care plan are

It will give health care to illegal immigrants
It will use federal money to pay for abortions
There will be a government takeover of health care
The government will decide on the care for the elderly

Now, these faux phactologies can be found in roughly half the country and we will tell you where. 55% of the country believes health care will be given to illegal immigrants. 57% believes federal money will fund abortions. 54% believe the government will take over health care. And 45% believe the government will decide on care for the elderly. Where these faux phacts are found are solely in the minds of people who believe them. An extensive fact check by all major news networks led by NBC has shown that none of these items exist in ANY of the proposed plans. So these fears only exist in the minds of people who haven’t checked the facts, and as we have seen when the fear kicks in the Republicans take over the press. We revisit the line we attribute to Karl “Roosevelt” Rove; we have nothing to fear other than not having the use of fear itself.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How do they know what's in and not in the bill when nobody in Congress reads it? The media denounced the notion of death panels, but when you actually read the bill they had it in it.

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