Sunday, February 14, 2010

We learned today of the death of Congressman Charlie Wilson, who served his Texas congressional district for twenty-five years. He is best known of course for secretly funding the war in Afghanistan to drive out the Russians, and also for noting that our failure to fill that vacuum and educate the people for a small amount of money (relative to what we spent on war there) could have changed the whole course of Al-Qaida and the whole terrorist movement. He said we won the battle and we screwed up the end game and sadly he was right. He was the only civilian ever to be awarded the CIAs highest honor, and he was quite a character. When asked about the portrayal by Tom Hanks of him in the movie Charlie Wilson’s War, as a high living, high drinking, happily grouping divorced congressman, he said, “I thought they treated me kindly”. We think history will too.

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