Sunday, June 15, 2008


Tim Russert, the standard of American political talk shows is dead and at age 58 that is indeed a treadgy. He was the longest running host of “Meet the Press”, the longest running show on TV and quite a run it was.

In the star wars movies there was a character called the Cyclops which are we’re told were the saddest creatures alive because all they (so the legend of the story went) at a very young age learned of the moment of their death. In most all real life cases none of us of course posses, that morbid knowledge but even if Tim Russert had, how could he, or would he have changed a thing about his life. He regularly spent each week doing the work he loved and his last time on earth was spent with his beloved son and wife on a sojourn in Italy. He was admired and will be lauded by so many for his special accomplishments, as we admire him for the exceptional manner in which lived day to day, not just Sundays when of course it was and will continue to be “Meet the Press”. But just not he same, alas.

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