Wednesday, June 18, 2008


And just about as important is it good for Cindy McCain for that matter? You see, Barack Obama and John McCain really do have differences, and lead among them will be their prospective tax policies. Both men will give tax breaks to some and ask more of others, but aside from labels, analyses are called for and hopefully will be given.
The Democrats claim that Mr. McCain is Bush Term III and given Mr. Bush’s tax cuts to all those making over $250,000 per year that John McCain intends to keep in place and to some degree enhance we might well be talking Bush terms III and IV. Mr. Obama plans to reduce taxes on all those with incomes of $150,000 per year or less but he must do more as to the clarity of who gets just what relief. By word, by example, with chart and with heart, Barack Obama must make sure people know the deal is real when applied to them. Were that to be done there might really be some Republicans who get what Fred Thopmson derides as merely the “static analysis” of the Tax Policy Center, and maybe for the first time vote their own interests. And it will be easy because they will be voting America’s interests as well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh that's pure horseshit Norman.

Go back to the spin board and invent something that's believable.

Barack Hussein Obama will raise everyones taxes to push us into socialism and the AARP is a voting block that will not be fooled by this kind of drool.

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