Friday, June 20, 2008


Tim Russert when starting at NBC was a bit intimidated by the reputations and degrees surrounding him. He was told not to worry that “What they know you can learn, what you know they can’t learn”. Mr. Russert’s career proved that advise correct and to it he added some of his own; which Chris Mathews insightfully described this past Sunday, "he seemed to love objective facts, you couldn’t argue about”. The logic expressed here seems indisputably relevant to all Americans with vested interests in this country’s future, which is just about all Americans, and the decision we’ll be making in the coming presidential election. More than ever we need a president who can learn what others know, and have that special something that others can’t learn or for that matter equal. And that he’s someone who grasps the value of indisputable facts would obviously add to his potential. So just imagine if those who would use the artificial argument of “youthful inexperience” to deny us the virtually unprecedented benefits of a Barack Obama Presidency had made the same short sighted decision not to hire Tim Russert. In both cases the American public would have been the great losers.

1 comment:

Shimmy said...

I remember Tim Russert always did his homework and asked the tough questions. Tim Russert was an American character right from Mark Twain.

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