Friday, July 31, 2009


Barack Obama made a mistake in calling officer Crowley of the Cambridge police department stupid. He said this after stating that he didn’t know the facts and his description of the officer proved it. Here is what was also proven; President Obama is a real man. A real man will make mistakes but will admit them when they are made, and that’s exactly what Obama did by calling the officer to apologize. His wrong shows us whats right. Let’s revisit former President Bush for a moment who reminds us of the little boy fishing. He had been sitting on the dock for some time and someone approached him and asked “how many have you caught”? The boy responded “if I catch this one and the next one that will be 2”. Our former stubborner-in-chief will forever refuse to apologize for the many wrongs that he committed. Its nice to have a leader who can truly lead and look objectively not only at the country but also at himself.

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